LED lanthanum Recommendation【Beszing LED lanthanum】


Hello, I’m Taro.

I introduce light and high performance gears using outdoor!

After sunset, it is a real taste to enjoy a bonfire with friends in camp site.

Then, you should have lanthanums!

There are some kind of lanthanums, first of all, you should have LED lanthanums which is compact and bright!

Oil lanthanums are tasteful, but their lights are a little bit dark to illuminate a whole table.

I will introduce a LED lanthanum which is compact and very bright.

Beszing LED lanthanum

Beszing (brand)

Researching Beszing, there is no homepage. Beszing sells only this lanthanum in Amazon site. Although Beszing is a Mysterious brand, I found many reviews of this lanthanum, so I think it may be popular!

Beszing LED lanthanum

The points are light, compact, and usability as a mobile battery! It cost only 2,000 yen, so I think this lanthanum is reasonable!

  • size:radius 8.4cm × hight 7.0cm
  • weight:195g
  • light type:LED
  • light color:neutral white/warm color/natural white
  • port type:input port / MicroUSB TypeB, output port / USB TypeA
  • lighting time:255 hours(weak light)
  • price:2,294 yen(2022 April, Amazon)

Then, let’s see the detail of the lanthanum!!

It has three buttons which are a power button, and two light control buttons.

In the other side, it has an input port for charging itself and an output port for charging other devises.

MicroUSB TypeB port(left side in the following picture)is for charging the lanthanum itself. USB TypeA port ( right side in the following picture) is for charging other devises from the lanthanum. It is very useful to use as a mobile battery!

The bottom side is magnetic, so you can attach it to metal parts!

It has a carabiner! You can hang it on the rope.

You can select the light colors from neutral white / warm color / natural white!

Pushing shortly the power button, the light color changes. It is good to change the light color depending on your mood!!

neutral white(Brightness is maximum)

warm color(Brightness is maximum)

natural white(Brightness is maximum)

You can change the brightness continuously by pushing +/- buttons! It’s very compact but it has an enough brightness!!

When you push +/- buttons at the same time, red light blinks for an emergency!


  • light・compact
  • reasonable price
  • changing the brightness・light color
  • usability as a mobile battery

This article is for an introduction of compact, high performance LED lanthanum (Beszing LED lanthanum)!!

Check out the article about oil lanthanum as well!

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